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X Wave

15 minutes per body area$273 per session per body area


The X Waveâ„¢ from BTL is an acoustic wave device for reducing cellulite and stimulating collagen production. It aims to improve elasticity, firmness and smoothness of the skin. Acoustic wave therapy has been used in medicine for more than 30 years, for example, in treating kidney stones. It has been proven to be safe and effective.

Acoustic wave therapy is used in aesthetic medicine as a standalone treatment for treating:

  • Cellulite
  • Stretch marks

Or in a combination treatment protocol with Coolsculpting or Accent Prime for fat reduction or skin tightening.

Price : $273 per session per body area, $2180 per package of 10 sessions. 

X Waveâ„¢ treatments are not suitable for pregnant ladies.

All prices include GST. 

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How does X Waveâ„¢ work?

Acoustic waves are sound pulses that induce vibration within the body. The strong, (painless) and non-focused pressure waves break down the adhesive fibrous bands in the skin. This increases the blood supply to the treated area, remodels collagen and connective tissue, releases puckers and dimples and improves the elimination of waste around the cells. Acoustic waves also thicken the dermis and tone up muscles. The overall result is a firmer and more toned appearance of the skin and muscles.

Commonly treated areas include:

  • Abdomen
  • Waist
  • Inner or outer thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Upper arms

What happens during the X Wave™ procedure? 

During the treatment, you will lie comfortably on the bed while the therapist moves the hand piece in a continuous motion over the treated area. The hand piece emits pressure waves which is heard as a loud, pulsating, repetitive sound. Expect a gentle, pummeling sensation on the skin which feels like a stimulating massage. There is no pain, and no anesthesia is required. Most people find the treatment relaxing and comfortable. Treatment times are approximately 15 minutes per body area.

Note: It is important to be well-hydrated by drinking at least 10 glasses of water a few days before and after the treatment. This helps the body to eliminate waste more efficiently which can help results.

Is it safe? Are there any risks to this treatment?

The X Waveâ„¢ is a safe and well-tolerated treatment. Side effects are rare. The procedure is comfortable and relaxing. Results are often seen after the procedure with significant improvements seen after a series of treatments.

What kind of results can I expect from the X Wave™? 

Although individual results vary, the X Waveâ„¢ has been shown to produce effective and consistent results with high patient satisfaction rates. Advantages include no pain and no downtime. Compared to older systems such as endermology, the number of treatment sessions required for the X Waveâ„¢ is significantly less making it a time effective treatment as well.


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