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Ante Age Scalp Therapy

45 minutes$330 for 1 session | $1745 for 6 sessions


Recommended: those with mild to moderate hair loss (due to natural ageing or stress)

This anti-hair loss and anti-ageing treatment awakens sleeping hair follicles and nourishes the scalp with nutrients and growth factors by Ante Age. The result – optimised conditions for hair to grow thick and strong. This treatment is ideal for those who are experiencing mild to moderate hair loss due to natural ageing, hormones or stress, or who want to rejuvenate their scalp as part of a complete anti-ageing routine.

All prices include GST. 

Book Appointment


Come with your hair already washed for the day.

Ante Age hair serum is gently delivered to therapeutic depths of the scalp with a professional-grade applicator while stimulating the hair follicles. The treatment finishes with a scalp massage and Bellalux LED light for healing and boosting the scalp’s blood circulation. The scalp may feel mildly sensitive for the day; it’s fine to proceed with the usual activities after. Expect reduced hair loss with stronger, healthier hair, paving the way for denser scalp coverage after 6 sessions over 3 months.

At the first treatment of each package, the hair and scalp are professionally analysed for suitability and to track improvements.

Recommended frequency: For ongoing hair loss, it is once every 2 weeks for 6 sessions. For prevention or maintenance, it’s once a month. Duration is 45 minutes. Price is $330 for single session, $1745 for 6 sessions.

Email or call us at 6738 9929 for an appointment now.

Note: This hair treatment is unsuitable for pregnant women and those with active hair diseases.


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