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Overall Skin Condition Analysis Review (OSCAR)

10 minutes $130 for 1 session


Recommended: All skin types, colors and ages who are keen to measure and monitor their skin health (especially those who wish to target specific skin concerns) may have their skin digitally analysed by OSCAR.

OSCAR (short for Overall Skin Condition Analysis Review) is a Digital Skin Analysis that picks up underlying issues that are invisible to the naked eye. From detecting the presence of acne-causing bacteria on the skin’s surface, to revealing pigments deep within the skin layers that have yet to even show up, OSCAR is a value-added service provided by IYAC to measure and monitor your skin quality and its improvement as you embark on your skin journey with us.

All prices include GST. 


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The Treatment

Using three different lightings (RGB, Ultraviolet and Polarized), OSCAR captures your facial images and analyses the ten skin qualities indicative of different aspects of your skin health. Each skin quality is given a score, and thereafter compared against statistics from people of your age group. At the end of the analysis, OSCAR reveals your skin age and overall score – a measure of how well you are taking care of your skin, and what you should focus on to see the biggest improvement in how your skin looks and feels.

What does it measure?

  1. Pores: Pore size, pore quality (dry/clogged)
  2. Spots: Brown or red marks that are visible to the naked eye
    (e.g. Melasma, sun spots, broken capillaries, cherry angiomas)
  3. Wrinkles: Fine lines, creases and wrinkles caused by movement, dehydrated and aging skin
  4. Texture: Indicative of skin’s hydration, collagen & elastin levels
  5. Porphyrin: Acne-causing bacteria present on skin surface
  6. Pigmentation: Pigment spots caused by sun damage
  7. Moisture: Moisture levels of the skin
  8. Sensitive Areas: Areas of skin sensitivity, where skin barrier may be weaker
  9. Brown Areas: Pigment spots at deeper levels of the skin that may not be visible to the naked eye
  10. UV Damage: Measures the skin’s cumulative damage from one’s life-time UV exposure

Expected results

OSCAR thereafter generates a report of your skin’s score based on the ten skin qualities, how you fare amongst others of your age range, as well as your skin age. Your beauty consultant will go through the report with you in detail, identifying the top three skin qualities that needs improvement, and provide adequate advice to guide you along in your skin journey.


$130 for a single session. Price is inclusive of a post-analysis consultation.

Interested to find out more?

Email or call us at 6738 9929 for an appointment now.


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