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90 minutes$2508 for 4 sessions | $3270 for 6 sessions


Recommended: those between 30-to-60 years old with mild to moderate skin laxity and facial sagging

This facial utilizes award winning, FDA-approved Exilis Elite® radiofrequency technology to tighten and smooth loose skin on the face. Exilis Elite targets the deep layers of the skin, where it causes collagen contraction and subsequent collagen remodelling following the treatment. This facial targets age and skin laxity concerns, such as droopy eyelids/tired looking eyes, flat cheeks, nasolabial folds (lines between nose and mouth), marionette lines (lines that cause the corners of the mouth to turn down), loosening jawlines/jowls, double chins and loose skin on the neck. Treatments are tolerable, have no healing time, give appreciable results and are suitable for all skin colors. It is suited for patients who do not want to undergo a surgical facelift.

All prices include GST.


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The face and upper neck are thoroughly cleansed, and a gel is applied before the radiofrequency therapy starts. A hand-piece is moved in a circular motion to impart heat therapy to the face and neck. The skin is then cleansed with water, and a hydrating serum is applied. The treatment ends with LED treatment to stimulate collagen production and regenerate new cell growth. Following the treatment, your skin will feel tighter with improvements appearing gradually several months after the treatment. If there is a significant amount of sagging skin, such as that often seen in patients over 60 years old, a Firming Facial can be combined with Botox and/or filler treatments or a surgical face-lift to remove excess skin.

Recommended frequency is once a week for six sessions, then once every 3 weeks for maintenance. Duration is 90 minutes. Price is $709 per 90 minutes session, $2,508 for 4 sessions, $3,270 for 6 sessions for full face and upper neck. 

Email or call us at 6738 9929 for an appointment now.


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