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Why New Mums Lose Their Hair? Reduce Postpartum Hair Loss

18 April 2024

Postpartum hair loss, also known as Telogen Effluvium, is a very common natural process and occurs 3 to 4 months after birth. Hair loss can be alarming, with heavy shedding and increased visibility of the scalp.

Why Do New Mums Lose Hair?

The answer lies in the pregnancy-related rise and sudden rapid fall of the female hormones right after delivery.

During pregnancy, the high estrogen level keeps the hair follicles active in the growth phase. Many pregnant women will notice their hair growing thicker and fuller. This also contributes to the pregnancy glow.

At birth, once the placenta is removed, the high estrogen level dips to normal within a week, and the hair follicles no longer get stimulated and perceive this reduction of hormones as a form of stress. A large number of hair follicles will simultaneously exit this growth phase, and due to the delayed nature of the hair cycle, hair noticeably falls out all at the same time only 3 to 4 months later.

When Should New Mums Get Worried about Hair Loss?

Although it might feel like an alarming loss of hair, the good news is that new mums need not worry about post-pregnancy hair loss as this is common, natural and self-limiting.
Most new mothers will notice good hair regrowth by the time baby celebrates their first birthday.

Despite postnatal hair loss being a temporary and self-limiting condition, there are women who will experience slower hair regrowth, with their hair density looking thinned out and hair partings looking wider, even when the baby turns 2 years of age. This is the latest when mothers should see a doctor and seek help.

Underlying health issues like anaemia or thyroid disorders, stress, lack of sleep, diet and medications can delay hair regrowth. Hair loss can be due to many reasons, and an accurate diagnosis is the essential first step to effective hair regrowth. Timely intervention can prevent what’s supposed to be temporary hair loss after pregnancy from becoming a chronic issue.

What Can You Do for Postpartum Hair Loss

While postnatal hair loss is transient, and breastfeeding is helpful in reducing postpartum hair loss, here are 3 tips to help with this sort of telogen effluvium.

Tip 1:

  • Take good care of yourself while you care for your baby.
  • Have nutritious meals to nourish your body as you recover from the stresses of pregnancy, childbirth and even breastfeeding.
  • When there are nutritional deficits, hair regrowth takes a backseat as your body prioritises more essential functions. Hence, you want to make sure you have enough reserves for the body to focus on hair growth.
  • Focus on whole foods with high protein content, good fats and plenty of colourful fibre. This gives the amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are the building blocks of hair.

Take a daily multi-vit, like how you did during your pregnancy.

Tip 2:
Scalp Care

  • Style your hair loose and light, avoid tight ponytails as the traction can tug on hair follicles and worsen hair loss.
  • Wash your hair daily with a gentle shampoo to prevent a build-up of grease and grime. An oily scalp encourages the growth of Malassezia, a fungus, that leads to dandruff and scalp inflammation which can in turn aggravate hair loss.
  • Conditioning your hair is also important to reduce brittle breakages.
  • For those who have stopped breastfeeding, there’s the option of using topical minoxidil to promote hair regrowth. Read here to find out more about Minoxidil.


Tip 3:
Seek Help

  •  Seek help early if the hair growth is not noticeably improved by your baby’s first birthday. Don’t wait till your baby turns 2 or more!
  • This is because postpartum Telogen Effluvium can precipitate the onset of Androgenetic Alopecia, a type of progressive balding related to ageing and hormones.
  • The diagnosis of postpartum Telogen Effluvium never excludes Androgenetic Alopecia, so even if the hair loss had seemed obvious from being postpartum, it’s important to see a doctor as hair may not grow back as thick as before without proper and timely intervention.

An early diagnosis gives you a head start for appropriate treatment, and the better the results.

At IYAC, our doctors provide a medical diagnosis with our AI-powered trichoscopy analysis and have curated a broad range of scientifically-backed hair treatments and products to improve your scalp health and hair quality.

Specifically, there’s Ante Age Scalp Therapy, for mothers who have stopped breastfeeding.

This gentle scalp rejuvenation treatment nurtures the scalp with bio-identical growth factors and cytokines by Ante Age MD, USA, to reduce inflammation and trigger the growth phase of the hair follicles. A relaxing scalp massage and LED light that boosts scalp circulation are included in each session. The nett effect? Scalp health improves so that hair can grow thick and strong.

Then, there is also Regenera Activa, an FDA-approved treatment for reducing hair loss and improving hair thickness. This is appropriate for those who are diagnosed to have concomitant Androgenetic Alopecia and is also suitable for those who continue to breastfeed. This non-invasive hair therapy is all-natural, using only normal saline water and your own body cells. No risk of allergy or rejection, no effect on breastfeeding.

If you are experiencing any hair woes, ask us for help and experience the IYAC difference.

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